Albyn Housing Society | Eden Scott

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Albyn Housing Society

Albyn Housing Society

Providing good quality, affordable housing for thousands of people across the region

Work With Albyn Housing Society
Supporting Material

For more information on the role of Chief Executive with Albyn Housing, download the Job Pack and Job Description below:

An Introduction from Vice-Chair, Carl Patching
Albyn Housing Society
Eden Scott

The journey so far

Albyn Housing Society began in 1973 by building homes for the incoming workers at Invergordon smelter.

The 1980s saw the Society building to complement local authority housing in six District Council areas. In the 1990s 400 properties and tenants joined the Society by voluntary transfer from Scottish Homes.

Partnership working with the Highland Council (and others) has been a major feature of the early years of the 21st century, producing significant new provision.

Eden Scott
Eden Scott
Eden Scott
Eden Scott

About Albyn Housing

Today, they manage over 3,500 properties in 60 communities across the Highlands. From the origins of a handful of staff the Society now has 90 employees and has two offices; the registered office in Invergordon and the second office in Inverness. Their growth has seen the formation of two subsidiary companies; Albyn Enterprises Ltd and Highland Residential Inverness.

Highland Residential Inverness expands the services and tenures the Society can offer customers. As well as social-rented housing, they also facilitate mid-market rent and low-cost ownership initiatives through HRI, offering quality, affordable factoring services.

Albyn Enterprises Ltd manages grant-funded projects that provide money, benefits and energy advice to tenants. Albyn Enterprises also supports Albyn's innovation activities, such as developing new solutions to enable people to live independently at home longer.  

Albyn Housing Society
Strategic Goals
How Albyn Housing Society will deliver success.  

Their homes - Albyn Housing will provide high quality, affordable, sustainable, and energy-efficient homes by implementing an asset management strategy driven by tactical analysis of data and targeted investment.

Customer Experience – They will streamline their customers’ journey and improve customer satisfaction by developing a Customer Experience Strategy. Underpinning this strategy will be the successful implementation of Project Phoenix, delivering on their digital transformation agenda, to enable customers more flexibility in how they interact with Albyn Housing by providing a suite of online services.

Their people – The working culture is respectful, effective, engaging, inclusive and driven by the tenants’ needs. They will embrace agile and flexible working and the lessons learnt from COVID 19, enabling cultural change, and driving the people's agenda

Finances – They will be efficient and effective stewards of their tenants’ money and charitable resources to enable the delivery of affordable, quality services. They will support the business to invest in stock improvement, systems, and people.

Partnerships - Albyn Housing will use its expertise to influence social housing policy and develop partnerships across the Highlands that add value to their communities

Albyn Housing Society
Eden Scott
Excellence in Customer Service

The Society strives to perform well as a customer-focused, innovative and equal-opportunities based business. 

During recent years Albyn has made innovations in providing more energy-efficient homes including both new build homes and improvements to stock, to make their housing more affordable to live in.

They are dedicated to building homes and supporting communities in the Highlands and are doing so in a way which puts quality, affordability and sustainability at the forefront of its efforts, by recognising the wider impact of housing for the people of the Highlands.