Audit Scotland Recruitment | Eden Scott

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Audit Scotland

Audit Scotland

Providing independent assurance to the people of Scotland that public money is spent properly

Working With Audit Scotland

A World Class Organisation

Eden Scott
Eden Scott
Eden Scott
Eden Scott

Independent and Robust Audit

Audit Scotland provides the Auditor General and the Accounts Commission with the services they need.

They give independent assurance to the people of Scotland that public money (Around £57bn) is spent properly, efficiently and effectively.

They audit 225 public bodies. They include:

  • 80 central government bodies (including the Scottish Police Authority, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, and Scottish Water) and the Scottish Parliament
  • 23 NHS bodies
  • 32 councils
  • 68 joint boards and committees (including 30 health integration boards)
  • 21 further education colleges
  • 1 European Agricultural Fund

Audit Scotland
Audit Scotland
Eden Scott

Guiding Principles

Audit Scotland staff, and firms of auditors appointed by Audit Scotland, carry out the audits. They check whether organisations:

  • Manage their money to the highest standards.
  • Get the best possible value for public money.

Three principles guide their work:

  • Auditors are independent of the organisations they audit.
  • They report in public.
  • They look at more than financial statements.

Above all, Audit Scotland supports public scrutiny that is fair, equal and open, and that leads to better financial management and value for money.

If you'd like to review any of their recent reports, visit their site here.

Audit Scotland
Eden Scott

Report Findings

Audit Scotland produces a range of local and national reports about the performance and financial management of Scotland's public bodies.

Annual audits

They publish annual audit reports for all the public bodies they are responsible for auditing.

Public reports

Audit Scotland also publishes a wide range of reports on matters of public interest. These include overview reports on how different sectors perform during each financial year. These reports are considered by the Scottish Parliament and/or the Accounts Commission.


Audit Scotland

Join Their Talented Team

Join Their Talented Team

Audit Scotland employs more than 340 talented professionals who know that their work helps ensure the efficient delivery of public services in Scotland.  

There's plenty of change ahead, and the need for robust public audit that provides assurance about public spending and helps public services improve is more important than ever. 

Flexible Working

Audit Scotland work in a wide variety of locations, including their offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness, at sites across Scotland and working from home. They’re flexible about working patterns and have transformed how they deliver high-quality public audits.

They support their team to work in the ways that achieve the best results for their team and the business, including the physical location and how their employees manage their hours.

To find out more about the role or the organisation follow this link or speak to the team below.