NHS 24 | Eden Scott

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NHS 24

The national health board delivering a range of telephone and digital services across Scotland 24/7

Work With NHS 24

Supporting Information

To help you understand more about the roles we are recruiting for please find some supporting documents:

About NHS 24

From contact centres across Scotland, NHS 24 delivers a range of services including the national 111 service, NHS Inform, Breathing Space, Care Information Scotland, MSK Helpline, Quit your Way Scotland, and the Mental Health Hub (part of 111).

NHS 24 are a values-led organisation dedicated to putting care and compassion at the heart and soul of everything they do.


  • Care and Compassion 
  • Dignity and Respect
  • Openness, Honesty and Responsibility 
  • Quality and Teamwork 

NHS 24 works with partners in the Scottish Government, Health Boards, particularly the Scottish Ambulance Service, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Local Authorities, other parts of the public sector e.g., Police Scotland, Independent and Voluntary Sectors and Social Care. 

Our Purpose

Our purpose is helping to deliver a healthier Scotland by connecting people to health and care advice, information and support 24/7

NHS 24

Introduction From NHS 24 CEO, Jim Miller

NHS 24 Jobs
Eden Scott

NHS 24 Strategic Direction

NHS 24’s role has expanded significantly since the Covid-19 pandemic, and the 111 service now offers urgent-care telephone advice day or night, as well as support when GP practices or dentists are closed. Mental health support is provided 24/7 via the Mental Health Hub and through Breathing Space in the evenings and weekends.

Digital services have also expanded, and NHS 24 is considering further ways in which its technology and telehealth expertise can continue to support health and care services across Scotland.

Significant opportunities for NHS 24

Following on from the pandemic there are both challenges and opportunities for NHS 24. 

Leaders across the organisation have a crucial role in helping NHS 24 to build on its remit, to support its integrated service delivery model and to use its digital capability role in the delivery of Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy.

This is an exciting time to join the national health board delivering the right care in the right place.

NHS 24 Jobs

NHS 24 Strategy

Our strategy has three main themes: 

  • Supporting people to live longer, healthier lives; 
  • Alignment with national healthcare strategies; and 
  • Building a stronger organisation.   

Our services are delivered across a range of channels, including telephone, online, webchat, text, email and social media. To support the achievement of the Strategy, our delivery principles are:-  

  • Virtual and public-facing;
  • Multiple channels and technologies;
  • Serving everyone in Scotland according to their need;
  • Supporting the whole healthcare system;
  • Delivering services 24/7;
  • Supporting self-management;
  • Best value and sustainability;
  • A strong and supported workforce.
NHS 24 Jobs
NHS 24 Jobs
Eden Scott

NHS 24 Workforce

As a national board, NHS 24 has staff based in centres across Scotland, with offices in Hillington, Cardonald, Clydebank, South Queensferry, Dundee and Aberdeen. 

We have a total staffing complement of circa 1,900 staff with over 80% of that staffing cohort directly employed in the delivery of our national contact centre operations.   

Achieve and sustain the transformational change

The NHS 24 workforce is the primary driver of our ability to achieve and sustain the transformational change in what we need to do and how we need to deliver.

Continually improving communication and dialogue with our staff, our culture and ways of working that embrace the NHS Scotland values is core to the delivery of a sustainable and engaged workforce.

Embracing the ‘office of the future’, integrating organisational and workforce development planning with our strategic objectives is key to our success. 

NHS 24 Jobs