NHS Education For Scotland | Eden Scott

Listen To The Latest Episode of The Recruitment and Beyond Podcast

NHS Education For Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Working For NHS Education For Scotland

Supporting Material

To help you understand more about the roles we are recruiting for please find some supporting documents:

Senior Specialist Lead Job Pack

NHS Education for Scotland Recruitment
Eden Scott

About NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is an education and training body and a national health board within NHS Scotland.

They are responsible for developing and delivering healthcare education and training for the NHS, health and social care sector and other public bodies.

They have a Scotland-wide role in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development. 

NHS Education for Scotland Recruitment

What We Do

Having the correct numbers of trained staff - in the right place and time - is critical to delivering better health and better care. 

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) has a national role in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development. Their mission is to provide education that enables excellence in health and care for the people of Scotland. 

NES' role has grown to meet the increasingly challenging workforce pressures faced by health and social care. They are working with partners in areas such as attraction, recruitment and retention, improving the employment experience, and organisational and leadership development. 

Without the dedication and professionalism of its staff, NES would be unable to deliver education and training for those working in NHS Scotland. That's why it is so important for them to nurture rewarding, interesting careers and a sustainable work-life balance. 

Delivering Healthcare Education

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is responsible for developing and delivering healthcare education and training for the NHS, the health and social care sector and other public bodies. 

They have a Scotland-wide role in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development. 

They manage the recruitment and selection processes for posts within NES and training schemes in: 

  1. general practice 
  2. dentistry 
  3. psychology 
  4. management training 
  5. nursing and midwifery 
  6. Pharmacy recruitment - Foundation training 
  7. healthcare science 
NHS Education for Scotland Recruitment
NHS Education for Scotland Recruitment
Eden Scott

Diversity and Inclusion

Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Diversity is about recognising and valuing difference in its broadest sense.

NHS Education for Scotland is committed to the principles of eliminating discrimination and harassment, promoting equality of opportunity for all and recognising and valuing diversity in employment and in the delivery of our services. 

They recognise the value of a diverse NHS Scotland workforce and the need to promote an inclusive approach to education and workforce development. 

NES see good equality and diversity practices as central to delivering our mission of enabling excellence in health and care through education, workforce development and support.